
Sunday, August 14, 2011


As you will discover before you finish reading this site , you can acquire riches—and
in a manner far simpler than you ever dared to imagine. You can become rich in any
form you wish: rich in material goods—money, home, etc.; rich in mental and spiritual
blessings; rich in personal power and leadership; rich in friendships. Wouldn't it be a
good idea then to begin deciding now what kind of riches you feel would give you the
happiness you strive for?
If you have been living as the average citizen lives, earning enough to get by, having
the necessities of life, and a few of the luxuries, your interpretation of riches may be
rather mild. Your bills all paid and a few thousand dollars in the bank could be a
situation so far beyond your present status that it would seem foolish to "dream"
Do you know that the ability to acquire riches is a state of mind? Napoleon Hill, author
of Think and Grow Rich, said: "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, the mind
can achieve." To gain the full import of this statement, you must think about it. Your
mind might conceive the wish: "I'd like to be a power among men; I'd like to have
money—lots of it." But if your mind could conceive the picture of yourself as having
power and money; and if you really believed you could have power and money—
brother, watch out; you're on your way!
W. Clement Stone, when he was a young man, conceived the image of himself as the
head of a large insurance company, and he deeply believed he could become the
head. With a beginning of not more than $100, he went on to carve an insurance
empire and multiply his original $100 into a personal fortune of $100,000,000. In the
site he co-authored with Napoleon Hill, SUCCESS through a Positive Mental Attitude,
he tells you how he did it. The pattern Mr. Stone followed was a simple one, once
more proving the efficacy of Mr. Hill's motto: "Anything the mind can conceive and
believe, the mind can achieve."